•List of Investment Incentives in Katsina State– There are various incentives designed to support direct investments in the
state’s priority sectors. This is in addition to continuous business-enabling
reforms to ease the conduct of business activities in the state. – These investment incentives are offered at both federal and state levels, including tax waivers and land allocation, among others, to investors in preferred sectors. – At the Federal level, the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission, the NIPC,
(established by the Nigerian Investment Promotion Act Chapter N117 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004) has the mandate to encourage, promote, facilitate and coordinate investments in Nigeria. – For Investment Policies and Protections, investors should visit: https://www.nipc.gov.ng/compendium/1-investment-policies-and-protections/

List of Federal Investment Incentives for Katsina's Priority Sector
•Federal Investment incentives are categorized into: Federal Tax Incentives:

Federal Incentives: Tax

Federal Incentives: Tariff-Based

Federal Incentives: Export

Katsina State Unique Investment Incentives
The Katsina state government is committed to attracting and partnering with private investors who will invest in the
development of its strategic sectors. The government has designed a set of incentives that combined with specific
Federal incentives will boost the return on investments for all stakeholders. More specifically, the state has committed to providing additional incentives in land allocation and other fiscal waivers
to encourage investors in the strategic sectors to boost their productivity and profitability.
The targeted sectors for strategic investments in Katsina state include the following:
•Agri-business•Solid Minerals mining and development •Hospitality and Creative Arts•Power•Property Development
Katsina State Priority Investment Areas

• Large Scale Rice/Wheat Production and Processing;• Medium to Large Scale Sugar Production;• Tannery;
• Large Scale Tomato Production and Processing;
• Livestock Production and Meat Processing;• Plantation for economic trees such as:– Gum Arabic;– Shea Nut;– Moringa;
and– Locust Bean• Hospitality and Creative Arts;• Solid Minerals Exploration and Exploitation; and• Power Generation;”
Katsina State Investment Promotion
•The Katsina State Investment Promotion Agency Law 2017 empowers the KIPA to advise the government and compile
special investment incentives for strategic or major investments in consultation with appropriate government agencies.
State Investment Incentives

to encourage investors in the strategic sectors to boost their productivity and profitability.